The False gospel of Calvinism Another gospel Part 6.
When it comes to salvation the issue is not about perseverance the issue is about standing on the words and promises of Jesus. Jesus promised that those who believe in Him (that is that) those who believe On The Son shall never perish and have everlasting life. Now, that is either true or not true. If it’s true well then, we will never perish and have everlasting life.
Therefore, we don’t have to fret, fear, or have anxiety about wondering If we will be saved or not sometime in the distant future.
Now, If That statement of Jesus is not true then that would make him a liar. Since lying is indeed a sin that would Him a sinner which would then disqualify him from being both God and our Savior
since both of those titles and positions must be sinless, flawless, and perfect.
Furthermore, If Jesus is lying to us then who is Jesus really? Because If he’s lying to us then that means He not God and He’s not our Savior. So then again who is He?
Jesus claimed to be God in human flesh by saying that He is The Great I Am (John 8:58). Jesus claimed exclusivity to God our Heavenly Father when He said I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me (John 14:6).
Jesus claimed to be The Holy Messiah The Christ The very Son of The Living God (John 4:25-26) (Matthew 26:63-64). These are incredible and powerful claims that must be proven on His part.
And I believe He has already proven all these claims in The Holy Bible, throughout his sinless life and ministry, and by the greatest proof of all which is his glorious physical bodily resurrection from the dead!
Now the question you must answer is the question everyone for themselves must answer and it is this: Who is Jesus? Jesus asked his own disciples whom do men say that I am? The people of Jesus’ day had many answers about who they claimed Jesus to be.
Then Jesus asked his own disciples so who do you say that I am? Peter responded You are The Christ The Son of The Living God. Jesus said Blessed are you Peter Simon son of Barjona for flesh and blood has not revealed this unto you it is my Father in heaven (Matthew 16:13-17).
Just as Jesus asked his disciples who he was you yourself must answer this question as well. Jesus now asks you dear reader who do you say He is? Your answer to this very question will determine where you spend eternity.
Jesus must be Lord, liar, or lunatic those are your only options and you must choose one. I know 100% He’s Lord because He’s already revealed himself to me through His Word and by His Spirit. Now if you claim you believe and trust in Him like many Calvinists claim they do then you will not believe that you can lose your eternal salvation. Calvinists do not believe, trust, and take Jesus’ claims for face value. They believe you must persevere to the end. Well that must mean then that you believe it’s possible to not be saved if you don’t do this! Well if one believes in Jesus but doesn’t persevere to the end the Calvinists will tell you then that person won’t be saved by God. So now that would have to mean that when they believed in Jesus somehow they got eternal life at that moment but then when it was proven they didn’t persevere at the end of their life then Jesus somehow then takes the eternal life back that he gave them in the first place when they believed On Him! 1st this would make Jesus a liar, 2nd this would mean eternal life is not eternal life its temporal, 3rd it would mean that salvation is indeed by works which would then be another lie that contradicts the word of God. 4th perseverance now makes the sacrifice of Jesus in vain. Because even though they believed in him it wasn’t enough to save them! Salvation is not trust and believe in Jesus for your salvation and you might be saved-depending on what you do, no salvation is believe in Jesus and you will be saved period.
Furthermore, If I must persevere in order to be saved then who is really The Savior and the one responsible for my own salvation? In other words, perseverance makes me the Savior and it denies and rejects Jesus his role, Glory, and person. This means If I’m the Savior then it denies and rejects that Jesus is! Now do you see how truly evil and wicked this false gospel called Calvinism really is? We both cannot be the Savior, there are not two Saviors there is only one. So, either Jesus is the Savior and The God of your salvation or you are. Either you are trusting in him alone for your salvation by believing in him and taking him at his word or you don’t. Now if you don’t trust him and believe in Him this automatically shows you are trusting in yourself to be saved. And the Bible clearly tells us that we are not good people, that our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9), and that in it of themselves there is no one righteous on the earth no not one (Romans 3:10).
So, if you don’t trust in Jesus this automatically means you believe and are trusting in yourself and your own works to save you. And the Bible clearly teaches us that we cannot save ourselves from our own sinful condition and that we cannot save ourselves by our own good deeds and or works.
Salvation by grace is how God proves those who are really trusting in Jesus alone for their salvation. It’s all grace. Salvation is grace alone, through faith alone, through Christ alone. Any other way of salvation where the onus is on you to be saved is a works-based salvation which the Bible fiercely condemns. No one who trusts in themselves or their own works to save them will be saved by God. But on the flip side of that everyone who believes On The Son shall never perish but have everlasting life. Anyone can receive this free gift of grace of salvation in Christ if they would just believe in Jesus and take him at his word. That’s called trust. Salvation is not just believing that Jesus existed, Salvation is believing that Jesus is who he claimed to be and because of this I’m placing my trust in you Jesus. Believing means you are trusting in Him, yes and trusting him is this: He will do exactly what He Says He will do. Why is this one may ask? This is because Jesus is The Great, I Am (John 8:58), this is because Jesus is indeed The very Son of The Living God The Christ The Holy Messiah.
You can trust him because He is God in human flesh and God cannot lie (John 10:30) (John 14:1) (Colossians 1:15-20) (John 1:1-3, 14) (Hebrews 6:18).
So, if you say you believe in This Christ like the Calvinists proclaim why then are, they calling him a liar by saying one can lose their salvation if they don’t persevere? Did not Jesus say that all those who believe in Him shall never perish but have everlasting life?
Was this not the very words of The Living Divine Christ The Holy Messiah? Either his statement is true or it’s not true you cannot have it both ways! You cannot say a person has eternal life if they believe in Christ and then turn around and say but if you don’t persevere to the end you won’t be saved, and you will lose that eternal life! This is double talk that makes Jesus a liar and this is how you know this teaching comes from our enemy Satan himself. All Calvinists whether they know it or not If they believe in their demonic so-called tulip are calling My Lord and Savior Jesus a liar! No Calvinists can escape that truth. Either Jesus saves an individual eternally and everlastingly just by their faith in Him alone or he does not.
5th This would mean that Jesus is not powerful and sufficient enough to save someone eternally just by the power of his own words. So now you are guilty of saying Jesus is powerless to save.
When the Bible clearly teaches us that the very reason Jesus came into the world was to be our all Sufficient Savior (Hebrews 7:25). All sufficient means he needs no help or assistance from us,
for us to be saved by him. The only thing we must do is believe and trust in the finished work of Christ on that cross. Yes, the only thing we must do is believe and trust in him. And when we do this,
the bible says He will indeed save us at that very moment instantaneously, supernaturally, and eternally.
The Apostle Paul himself told us that this was the primary reason why Jesus Himself came into the world to save us.
Paul said that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am Chief (1 Timothy 1:15).
Now the Calvinists will come along and tell you Jesus did not come into the world to save all sinners he only came into the world to save select elect sinners.
This is not what the Bible teaches and or says. Paul said he is the Chief of sinners. Let’s dissect this for a moment, who are sinful meaning who are the ones who are the sinners?
Are the unelect the only ones who are sinners? Or is the whole world sinful? Is everyone sinful? Yes, the Bible says for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).
So, since this is indeed true and since Christ Jesus came into the world for the primary purpose to save sinners what does that mean? It means He came to save everybody!
To have any other conclusion than this is denying scripture and all reasonable honest sober thinking.
What’s more than this the Bible teaches us Jesus is The Savior of the whole world (John 4:42) (1 John 4:14) and that He died for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:1-2).
The Bible says he tasted death for every man (Hebrews 2:9) and that He gave himself on the cross for us as a ransom for all (1 Timothy 2:4-6).
Either all these bible statements are true or they’re not. 1st you must make up your mind on whom you’re going to trust and believe. Are you going to trust Calvinism or are you going to trust The Holy Word of God?
What do you say about these bible truths? You simply cannot ignore them and maintain a somehow neutral position. Either you believe these statements in the Bible or you don’t.
I ask you what else could God have possibly said to us in the English language or dictionary to make us understand that Christ Jesus His Son died on the cross for us all?
Meaning if all doesn’t mean all like the Calvinists teach, and if every man doesn’t mean every man, and if Christ giving himself as a ransom for all doesn’t truly mean a ransom for all,
and if Jesus being The Savior of the whole world doesn’t mean the whole world, and if Jesus being the atoning sacrifice and dying not only for our sins but for the sins of the whole world.
If those things in Scripture cannot Get God to make you conclude and rationally believe that God sent Jesus into this world for us all, I ask you what word in the dictionary could he have possibly chosen to make you believe Christ indeed came for all? What else can be said that hasn’t already been said? You see the truth is many Calvinists are unbelievers in the True Christ and do not take him at his word (John 3;16, 36,) (John 6:40).
Jesus said all those who come to Him He will in no wise cast you out (John 6:37). This means when you believe in Him The true Christ He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5),
you will never lose your salvation (John 3:16) (John 10:27-30) and thus you don’t have to worry or have anxiety wondering if you were good enough to be preserved or saved by him. If you truly come to him sincerely trusting in Him to save you Jesus says to that person I will in no wise cast them out.
The problem is many Calvinists truly do not honestly want Christ to be The Savior of the whole world like the Bible claims. So, because of this, they change and deny scripture to fit their false teachings, theologies, and traditions.
If the Bible said Jesus did not die for the sins of the whole world and If truly this was the whole theme of Scripture then I would have to accept it but on the other hand if the Bible teaches that in fact He did die for the sins of the whole world then again I would have to accept it. And I do accept it and I take The Lord Jesus at his word that anyone and everyone who Believes On The Son shall never perish but have everlasting life and every person who truly wants to be saved by The Real Christ will accept this truth of scripture as well.
Jesus said my sheep hear my voice, know my voice, and they obey and follow me Their Shepherd (John 10:1-15, 27-30).
Anyone who truly wants to be saved by The real Christ of Scripture will believe His Word in The Holy Word of God, Will believe that He is The Son of God, and will believe that He is The Savior of The whole world. If you don’t believe in This Christ who is The Savior of the whole world you are believing in a false Christ a counterfeit that cannot save anyone.
The One True God is eternal and He is everlasting, so If God saves you it must be eternally and everlastingly as well.
Because this is indeed true this is just another reason why you cannot lose your eternal salvation. Why is this you may ask? This is because The one true eternal God has given you eternal life.
And this eternal life is given to you eternally and yes everlastingly the very moment you believe in His Son Jesus.
Jesus Christ is the very foundation for every true believer in Him. Every true believer stands on, relys on, rests on Christ, who is the Chief Cornerstone
(1 Peter 2:4-8) (Acts 4:10-12) (Ephesians 2:19-22) (Isaiah 28:16) (Romans 9:33) (Psalm 118:22).